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Frequently asked questions

Where do lessons take place?
London W14 (opposite the Olympia exhibition centre in West Kensington)

Are you near to public transport?

How much does it cost per lesson ?

What is the duration of each lesson ?

Do any healthcare companies cover Alexander Technique lessons ?
HealthShield certainly do, listed under "Health and wellbeing".
Please check your individual policy for details. If you are with another health insurer, why not ask them to see if you are covered.

Has there been any studies into the benefits of the Alexander Technique ?
Yes - A study was funded by the Medical Research Council entitled ;
'Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons,
exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent
back pain: economic evaluation'

It was published in the British Medical Journal on 23rd August 2008. The article is available on-line by clicking here If you prefer to read the article in Acrobat / Adobe reader format, click here. Both links will take you to the BMJ website.

How many lessons will I need ?
Six lessons are the
minimum recommended by the BMJ Report mentioned above.
Quote :

Can I check if you are qualified to teach the Alexander Technique?
Yes. I am a member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique known as STAT formed in 1958. All genuine teachers, including myself can be found on their 'statsearch' public database. All teachers have to have reached a standard approved by STAT before being registered, having done at least 3 years training.

Can I get help for the AT through my GP?
Probably not BUT if you have postural problems ask your GP if their Practice will recommend you to a STAT registered Alexander Technique Teacher and fund six lessons (OR simply ask for the funding for six lessons and you will supply a STAT registered AT teacher of your choice if the GP cannot do this).

The more patients who request Alexander Technique lessons to solve their back problems, the more quickly this will become commonplace. With the new Government implemented regime our GPs can recommend treatments without going to their PCTs (Primary Care Trusts) as before. SO YOUR GP CAN AUTHORISE AND FUND LESSONS IN THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE. It is absurd that backpain sufferers are only offered an X-ray, anti-inflammatory pills or sessions with a physiotherapist (which rarely solves a postural problem). Doctors trained in anatomy and musculo skeletal problems should seize the opportunity to offer their patients a way to change their body use and begin removing their problems.